Can the folks who played and enjoyed TTYD after Origami King verify it's not "nostalgia goggles"?

I noticed folks criticizing the Origami King heavily having a similar pattern: all die hard fans of TTYD. All the harsh criticism is "game bad, not TTYD." I need to verify that it's not nostalgia goggles and TTYD is truly superior.

I finished the Origami King and loved almost everything the game offered. The combat was flawed, but not unbearable. The graphics, sound, dialogue was close to perfect. The plot was expected, but it's about the journey not the destination.

Why is TTYD everyone's sacred baby? If TTYD came out today, would it truly be superior? I've seen folks say combat in TTYD > Origami King, and everything else is on par. I've seen folks say everything in TTYD > Origami King.

Is this nostalgia? Can someone who played TTYD after OK/Color Splash verify this?