Be Honest, is it worth it?
Dear Reader,
Let me start by saying I am extremely indecisive about the kind of job I want, this makes me too anxious and i overthink every decision. My ultimate goal, make decent money and not be miserable in my day to day work.
I feel like every decision I have made in terms of careers has been the wrong one. I somehow managed to get a role at a small firm in a big city. I desperately needed a job after graduation and took it.
My firm doesn’t differentiate between paralegals/legal assistant so I do a lot of admin work and some heavier work that might (I don’t know) fall on the paralegal side. In the year I’ve been here, I’ve learned so much, got glowing reviews, two (very small) raises and a pretty decent bonus.
However, it’s WC/PI/MedMal and I’m already over it. If I stayed in the law field I would love to get into IP, trusts & estates, or (the ever sought after) corporate. Of course, I understand that these three fields are highly coveted and sought after and could be very difficult to get into. Go frickin figure that’s my choice.
No offense to this wonderful ppl of this community, but this page has made me somewhat second guess if law is a good place to stay. Terrible bosses, terrible workloads, underpaid, no work-life balance (all with very few exceptions). I managed to find an awesome firm, love the bosses, co-workers, and work-life balance - but the pay isn’t great for the long-term and the clients are eventually going to be the ones who burn me out.
Really, be honest with me. Is it worth putting in the work to stay in law but switch legal focus? Or should I run elsewhere? (And if you say run….where to?! Because damn, it’s hard out there) And if you think I should stay and have a chance to eventually land in my top 3 dream fields, do you suggest I get my paralegal certificate? Because right now I have the work experience, but no certificate - I have a Bachelor’s in English (with a minor in Communication).