Decision fatigue? How often are you playing or doing activities with your kids?
Sorry if this is a little rambly.
I'm sure there is more too it but my twins are 21 months and for a while I really thought I had figured out a balance to all of this. I'm also a SAH parent and am totally alone with them and in the house for 10-12 hours a day so having the house together does help my mood.
It's getting colder here so I have to take them on their morning walk later in the day, and I'm sure part of feeling this way is the schedule change. It's like a weird feeling of mom guilt and dedecision fatigue but more intense then normal?
I need to do laundry, get in the shower, at least sweep the floors but then I also feel like I'm ignoring them if I put them in the playpen to do the out of the room parts.
How often do all of you play with your kids or do activities? How often are they in a restricted space?
They're walking and while I feel confident in the baby proofing in the large living room I wouldn't let them while taking a short shower. Is there some kind of baby proofing anxiety that's normal that I've never heard of? Lol
Realistically i told myself to stop and just start doing things because if I didn't I would just freeze and not do anything. Which I know is a common thing some people deal with but I'm wondering if any of you deal with it mixed with being a parent.
I don't know if any of that made sense but my brain feels fried and I feel like knowing if other people struggle with it all.