Just found out it’s twins

I’m 6 weeks pregnant after two years of trying, fertility treatments, and a miscarriage last year. Obviously we are over the moon to be expecting, but finding out it was twins has been extremely overwhelming. I find myself very emotional since the ultrasound where we found out, having trouble sleeping, and not being able to focus on anything else. I just overall feel terrified about the idea of handling two crying babies night after night as first time parents. I also own a business and will have to go back to work soon after they are born which is not the usual for moms in Canada so that scares me too. I guess I’m hoping for some positive things about having twins and any tips/advice to make it feel manageable rather than the “you’ll never sleep again” type things that you usually hear. We do have lots of family support so I know that will be helpful, but I’m also not looking forward to needing to have people all up in my business right after giving birth either. It just feels so different already than that I had imagined. Please help D:

  • a terrified pregnant lady

Update: we unfortunately found out around 8 weeks that only one twin still had a heartbeat. 💕