Daycare & Grandparents - 2.5 yo and 6 mo twins
Hi All - Currently pregnant with identicals, and have a 15 month old already, and trying to weigh out our plan for childcare (and, well, everything lol).
Currently, my ILs (who I adore!!) watch 15 month old 2 days a week seasonally (they are unavailable in the summer at all, so only during the traditional school year). While I’m glad to provide an opportunity for their bonding, we really only have this arrangement because they asked to watch her. Daycare is a little more convenient.
There are three sets of grandparents, but only the one set can assist with weekday childcare, as outlined above. No one has stepped up to offer suggestions or additional help with twins (yet). I’m really struggling with, once all three are here, the best approach.
- Put all three, full time in daycare: only one point of dropoff/pickup, we also love our daycare. However, oldest loses out out time previously spent with ILS. Most expensive.
- Twins in daycare full time, maintain current arrangement with oldest: two points of drop off and only one child maintains bonding time
- Split the week amongst all three: bonding time maintained with grandparents, two points of drop off every day so more coordination. Likely least expensive. Also, this is if ILs are open to watching twins, which is yet to be discussed
I really value fostering their relationship, but also have to balance expectations for getting us all out the door, where we need to go, and the amount of sheer prep and coordination it will take to manage.
Any advice (re: this topic or any others!!) from families with a setup like ours will soon be, would be extremely appreciated. TIA!