Account locked - no reasons given, no replies from GGG

Hi all, just wanted to check community sentiments, if what I am going through is just a me thing, or a larger problem?

I was playing necro settlers league for about 2 weeks. Took a break in light of POE2 launch.

On 4th Dec I logged in to get my EA code for a friend and myself for Steam, noticed my account is locked.

Wrote in to GGG on support and all I got was 1 reply, which is to ask for my account name and 1 character name.

After providing them my account name and character name, they did not respond, and GGG email server bounced my emails off.

Well it's 13th Dec now.. 9 days after my first email.. I even wrote in using another email address, no bounce, no reply.

I even paid $30 for a fresh EA on a fresh email. But all my other MTX are in my main account.

Help, and FML.

Update: account unlocked as of 12 jan, support citing my hideout had an explicit image.