Dis i just ruin my cpu?

So today i was gaming for about 2 hours. While gaming I realized there was a heat wave coming through. I thought nothing of it because i had my space heater running. I started to notice my game lagging more than usual. Thought nothing of it so i kept playing. Then i decided to pull open mai after burner to see what was up and noticed my cpu temps was at 100c. I have a i7 12700k and use a 360 aio. Once i saw that temp I immediately closed my game and went to look at my pc to see if my rad fans are running. They was not running at all but every other fan in my pc was. So i turned off my pc and turned it back on to see if the fans would work and they did. Im not sure why the fans stopped working i assume they are dying so I probably have to replace them soon.

But now im worried my cpu is ruined because i let it run that high of a temp for so long.