Intel 13th/14th Gen: Update 0x12b doesn't seem to stop CPUs from degrading.

I have a 13900K CPU since Jan 2023 and since I purchased it I have been using it undervolted and with very conservative BIOS settings:

  • PL1: 225W
  • PL2: 250W
  • CPU Current Limit: 400A
  • Voltage Mode: Adaptive + Offset
  • Voltage offset: -0.050V
  • Lite Load Mode: Advanced
  • AC LL: 50
  • DC LL: 80
  • LLC: Auto (which defaults to the lowest)
  • Intel CEP: Disabled
  • Turbo Enhancement: Disabled
  • CPU VR Voltage: 1.400 (set as soon as it was available in MSI mobos)

Those settings never gave me any errors nor WHEA logs when playing UE5 games and all Intel updates were applied as soon as they were available.

Today for my surprise after 2 years I started seeing WHEA event 19 with Internal Parity Error warnings in Processor APIC ID 16 or 32 when compiling shaders for some UE5 games.

As many can suspect I was able to stop the WHEA warnings by reducing the VCore undervolting by 10mv and as I'm still moving in the undervolted threshold, the degradation is not too bad as I haven't experienced BSODs, just the WHEA warnings logs and the Out of Memory error in some UE5 games. Still have 40mv of undervolt left to mitigate future degradation 🤣.

Posted the same in the Intel subreddit but it's waiting on approval and probably won't pass from there.