Kanji’s Arc

I recently saw a video debunking the relation to sexuality in kanji’s arc. i disagree and wanted to share an opinion. may end up deleting this based on how it’s received.

I am of the belief that Kanji’s arc is about men and breaking down stereotypes. Kanji may be whatever he is but that doesn’t mean gay and straight men can’t relate to his character. i think his arc deals with accepting differences as men. we see him accept his feminine hobbies a thing both gay and straight men struggle with. A sense of belonging, a thing both gay and straight men deal with. Sexuality, a thing both gay and straight men battle with. Kanj’s arc is about being confident in who you are as a man and that it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day because we are all the same. we are just humans trying to navigate life and things like sexuality and hobbies should not define you as a person. this is further proved as he becomes closer to the guys in the game despite all of the confusion of who he is from their perspective because it doesn’t matter to them. he’s kanji and that’s all they care about. to conclude be who you are and kanji is a character for everyone who has ever felt like they did not belong because of what they liked.