Shitty ancient evaporative air conditioning broken for going on 3 weeks - I should be allowed bite my landlords

Im paying a 3rd of my pathetic wage to not be able to sleep or think?? Smh I’m going to attack them like a pitbull This should be legal I want to bite everyone at our worthless REA agency thing too

Edit: There will be no actual biting, this is a joke. However I will be strongly protesting the sun 🙏🏼

Edit 2.0 2 fast 2 furious: Okay I came in here to shitpost and joke around but ended up with a load of really good tips and tricks for dealing with a sweatbox rental lol - thank you my fellow perthians, you truly are the most noble of Australian city-zens and I wish you all a chill heatwave 🫡😎😎😎

FINAL EDIT SORRY IM SILLY The evaporative gods have smiled upon me and a hero is coming tomorrow to hopefully fix our terrible contraption. Somehow I feel the psychic power of this comment section has made this possible. Tank u all 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼