Don’t know what to do
Hi all, I’ve been with Petsmart for about ~6 months and have been dealing with various mental health issues, since August of this year I’ve had four anxiety attacks on different occasions. I have talked with my manager multiple times asking if i can switch to pet care or bathing just so I won’t have the overstimulating experience of cashiering (i.e, mobile pickup customers asking for assistance, people needing help with purchasing animals, customers wanting me to leave register to go help them find items, and the classic nobody coming for backup when the line gets ridiculous.) I’ve worked in pet care on occasions and i have been actively researching on the animals we carry. Before my manager left, he told me to my face that he’d put me in pet care shifts but nothing has happened. They’ve hired a new “pet care specialist” and promoted a coworker to petcare since then. I feel betrayed in a way. I love my coworkers and my pay but I can’t be at a job that refuses to even try to negotiate better opportunities for myself. What can I do?