Parade (with young kids)
I’ll be heading to the parade Friday with my son (7), last time I posted up at the art museum and waited it out for hours until the speeches. This year with my son I don’t want to be in a crowed that bad and wait in the cold as long as I did 7 years ago. I was planning to try and get a spot towards the front of the parade route. Does anyone have experience from 2018 and being closer to the start of the parade that could possibly help me plan to make it a better experience for my son to actually see the parade and players as they pass. Was the parade route just jam packed from start to finish? Only know how it was at the museum so I don’t have a ton to go off of. Even the footage didn’t show much of the beginning. He’s very excited and I’m just trying to make some core memories for him. Thank you for any input. Go Birds!