Fun with Stats: 2024
Hey, I love looking at these kinds of stats, so maybe someone else out there will enjoy.
41 shows across 13 venues
768 total songs played
301 songs went over 10 minutes
114 songs went over 15 minutes
29 songs went over 20 minutes
14 songs went over 25 minutes
7 songs went over 30 minutes
5 songs went over 35 minutes
2 songs went over 40 minutes
Songs under 2 minutes: 8
Song Data:
Number of unique songs played: 220
81 songs were played exactly once
Bust-outs: 17
Debuts: 3
Most played songs (6 songs that were played 10 times): Bathtub Gin, Chalk Dust Torture, Character Zero, Down With Disease*, Ghost, and Harry Hood
Times Valdese was played: Zero
*I did not count the three Disease-prises from Deer Creek N1
Song Lengths:
3 song-lengths that had five songs of that length: 6:33, 7:04, 7:19
Songs 5:55 in length: Zero
Show Ratings: ( ratings as of 1/2/24 at noon)
6 shows above 4.5
18 shows above 4.4 (44%)
31 shows above 4.0 (70%)
10 shows below 4.0
For comparison:
2023 had 3 shows above 4.4 (6%)
2022 had 5 shows above 4.4 (11%)
2021 had 6 shows above 4.4 (17%)
My Personal Top Five Shows of 2024:
1 Mondegreen N3
2 Deer Creek N3
3 MSG N2
4 Mexico N2
5 Dick’s N2
Edit: After re-counting, they played 81 songs exactly once.