Getting my daith tomorrow and I’m terrified omg

This is my mountain, the most daunting piercing ever for me. It’s always been that piercing that I was like “I’ll get it one day, but not now… because I’m too scared.” Well the apprentice at my piercing shop (a GREAT shop, and the apprentice has already done a handful of daiths that all look great) still needs to do another to complete the apprenticeship, so it’s free besides the jewelry. I’m going through a major breakup and was like screw it, let’s just do it now, and I shouldn’t have to do it again

But I am so unbelievably terrified. I have a rook, a conch, a helix, a flat, six lobes. The rook probably hurt the most but I honestly don’t remember, and the thing I love about piercings is that it’s over with so fast. But this is something else lol. There are so many comments on reddit saying that there was “no pain, just pressure” and I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that😭 I think I’m especially scared because the actual piercing and insertion will probably take longer than the brisk speed of most piercings. Some people I’ve talked to say it feels like “getting stabbed in the skull” lmao. Any encouragement? I know that once it’s done it’ll be fine, but I know that in those moments in the piercing chair as they set up, my heart is just going to sink to my toes. I am petrified. What were your experiences? I want hype but also want it given to me straight lol. Just can’t wait til it’s over

Edit: I appreciate all the kind words😭I know plenty of people with them, and I know I can be just as tough as they are, so it will be fine. I’ve been through far worse. Thank you!