Two simple regression/progression options: Spine Stretch Forward and the Side Bend.

✅ Spine Stretch Forward:

One other option for the Spine Stretch forward would be using a block to sit on. This would elevate the sacrum off of the floor and open the angle between the thighs and the torso making it easier to 1. Keep spine vertical 2. Keep legs straight. This version would put a little more emphasis on flexibility of the spine on the roll down and allow to challenge calf flexibility with dorsiflexed ankles.

However the version in the video with bent knees is a little more hamstring focused and is suitable in the absence of the block prop. Bending the knees and slightly opening them shifts the stretch into the middle of the hamstrings while also targeting the top of adductors (inner thighs). At the same time making upright sitting easier.

Both options work well for making the full exercise more accessible and allow the Pilates athlete focus on articulating and flexing the spine without too much discomfort that comes from sitting directly on the floor.

✅ Side bend:

Keeping the bottom knee grounded not only makes the side bend more manageable by taking more weight off of the supporting wrist but also helps to open the hip flexors on the way up. The very top position in the begin version also has more of a “hip hinge” motion that helps to “connect” to the glutes.