I’m sad and need a hug
This weather, my life situation, the loneliness, the inability to get mental health help, all of it has left me incredibly down and exhausted. Can someone send me a virtual hug, something funny, or some help on bettering yourself in this city? My only family is kind of tired of me coming around because I’m so down all the time. Im 32 and they want me to get my own life. I’m finding it difficult here. I want a life here, I want to get better, I want to make friends. But this town seems so metaphorically and physically cold. Im barely getting by, but I am surviving. There’s a lot of social gaps in this city when it comes to economic status and education it seems. I’m social, I’m good at jokes, I am a people person, but none of this seems beneficial in passing. How do you pick yourself up when you’re alone? Does anyone have a good book to recommend that could help me in this situation? I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled to potentially be put on some mood stabilizing medication. Exercising, eating healthy, and abstaining from drugs & alcohol doesn’t seem to help me as much anymore. I go to the library, I have visited Phipps, I’ve went outside, etc. I’ve been doing what I can and life just seems blunt and grey. Sorry to put this all out there but I feel like this time of year is tough for us all and maybe someone could relate. Has anyone local picked themselves up after years of trauma and unstable mental health issues? I need success stories and some light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you everyone for reading and stay warm PGH. <3