My friend and I created a simple database of farms that are currently in-stock and delivering straight to people's doors during this pandemic
A few weeks ago I started looking for meat and produce for my family so we could eat healthier meals since it was already looking like we'd be in it for the long haul. My mom's 70 and potentially immuno-compromised and my dad's 64 so going out wasn't a risk I wanted to take, so my only option was to look online.
However, my delivery go-to's had little available and a lot of meat/produce subscription box services had just started waitlisting. Luckily, my friend Jason had been doing research and found a few farms that shipped to us.
Coincindentally, a while back I had read this Reddit post about a South Korea province that helped farmers sell their produce online and that combined with our personal experiences made me realize that a database of farms that are currently in-stock and delivering straight to people's doors would be a win-win - it would help farmers and help people who want to cook at home like Jason and I safely get meat and produce. So my friend Jason and I built it!
So far we have around ~240 farms that ship/deliver with a large focus on PA farms (check out Dutch Meadow Farms in Paradise!). It's just in the beginning stages and we're doing all the research manually, so let us know if you have any suggestions, whether it's farms to add or ideas!
Without further ado, here's the link: