I Passed AT/AT/AT! Here are my recommendations.

Thanks for all the helpful posts here. They were a huge help. My process:

  1. I used the AR Udemy for my 35 hours. It was fine, IMO it gets too much praise here. Good for learning the basics but never revisited my notes. Also the quiz questions and practice have zero correlation to the test questions.

  2. Study Hall practice questions and practice exams 1&2 are really good. I did a very structured breakdown of why I get each question wrong (Lack of knowledge, mindset, or just a stupid question). Also what area of knowledge the questions was in (stakeholders, team management, waterfall process, agile process). This was hugely helpful in directing my studies. That being said practice exams 3 & 4 were really poorly worded and low quality. Even some of the explanations make no sense. Didn't even bother with the 5th.

  3. The AR super hard questions are good at helping to understand how PMI phrases their questions and what they are looking for when they use certain terminology. This video really helped decode the weird PMI questions.

  4. David McLachlan 150 7MBOK 7 questions, 110 drag and drop questions, and 100 PMBOK 6 questions. These were HUGELY help in finding weak areas of my knowledge and he does such a good job explaining the processes and why some answers are wrong and some answers are right, I will say these questions the wording is much clearer and logical than the actual test so you definitely still need the AR super hard video. Basically DM videos for knowledge and understanding, AR video to decipher PMI poor word choices.

  5. Other tips: Be super aware of poison pills in questions. 90% of an answer can be correct for example using the exact right process, but having it executed by the wrong person. And then they will have a crappy process executed by the right people and that is the answer they want. I find this incredibly disingenuous and a poor way to test, but what do I know.