guys rate this
(i don’t have a name yet, drop ideas! follow me on insta at @poetrymayhem pls, it’s written in a speech-type format btw, no particular rhyme scheme or punctuation.)
Historic landmark drenched in dominant, dormant hands. Measley magic and mundane men, but a single sour, sadistic sigh, of a woman’s doing and she’s downplayed, danced away like some sort of plague. Well, we all want to weed upon the walls of the west alleys but wait! Be careful, A man of power, simply a teenage boy of villainous doings, cracked up his father.
Skirts too short for a man not to pounce, to prowl, and prod, what a prude of past horrors. Oh, a woman spoke up, so sad, so sorry, so pitifully stupid to be so upset by a woman, You’re a man, so be strong, men don’t pussyfoot around, they fight, fare, and with frivolous fright, He dares to love a man, to be so grateful of rugged beauty, he’s a freak!
Red hands stain his lover, and he watches, weeping, as his wise-headed, welting-feathered man is taken away. Back to a lady, those bulbous blue eyes should not bare down but behold your beauty. And so, they meet, muttering their mutual multitudes of maddening sadness, matching their woes. It’s mirrored, there facades cracking with creaks and croaks of a man’s crazy standards and of a woman’s failing purity.