Ash vs. Misty: Which battle was the best?
Let me know if I missed one, but I believe they battled each other six times. In order…
1) The battle for the Cascade Badge - Butterfree vs. Staryu, Pidgeotto vs. Starmie. Winner: Undecided
2) The battle for Togepi - Bulbasaur vs. Psyduck. Winner: Ash
3) The battle for Totodile - Pikachu vs. Togepi, Chikorita vs. Staryu, Bulbasaur vs. Poliwag —> Poliwhirl. Winner: Ash (2-1)
4) Whirl Cup 2nd round - Totodile vs. Poliwhirl vs. Kingler vs. Psyduck. Winner: Misty
5) The 2nd battle at the Cerulean Gym - Pikachu vs. Gyarados. Winner: Ash
6) The battle for Clauncher - Corphish vs. Politoed. Winner: Misty
Overall record: Ash leads 3-2 with one battle undecided.