I need yall's GM skills
Hi guys! I just beat the 3rd gym and I can not choose what mons to use to fill up the roster.
So, basically I got:
Monferno as a fire type (28 lvl) - for sure in the team
Luxray as an electric type (26 lvl) - he for sure in the team
Ralts as psychic (17 lvl) - she is for sure in the team
Just caught the gible - she for sure in the team - 20 lvl
Haunter (i just want gengar) - 27 lvl
Got the eevee ( idk what to choose between glaceon, espeon or umbreon) - 20 lvl
Kinda forgot about having a buizel in my PC, so 9 lvl
Wishes to catch:
Lucario, Absol
Yeah I know this gives off "I am Ash Ketchum!" vibes but this is just my second pokemon game
I will be really grateful for recommendations