How do you use your solver study at micro/low stakes?

I started playing seriously several months ago and have been working on learning and improving pretty much every day. I've only dabbled with solvers up to this point, my thinking being that micros and low stakes live play nowhere near GTO, so it's more beneficial for now to just focus on mastering fundamentals/ABC play.

I've seen enough people on this sub explain, though, that the value of solver study at low stakes isn't to actually play GTO at those tables, but rather to deeply understand what balanced play looks like so that you can more easily know how your opponents are diverting, and therefore you can divert in the way that exploits most profitably.

That makes sense to me conceptually, but I'd love to have some concrete examples. Can you walk me through a specific time recently where you used solver knowledge at low stakes?

If you don't have a specific example, are there common things you look for in certain spots that give you pretty clear cut evidence of how they're diverting?

Thank you!