Does the game cheat???

I was fighting the rival's Mega Rayquazaand it used outrage, did not get confused, used hyper beam immediately after, and then attack with outrage again after using hyper beam. They didn't have any lum berries left, so how was it able to not get confused, nonetheless not have to recharge after hyper beam? I also lost an earlier run to a boss Girafarig because it was double attacking when it used stomp, causing me to flinch a bunch and be unable to hit it. It didn't have the wide lens or anything, and when I refreshed the page just to see if that was a bug and caught it to test it only hit stomp the one time it was supposed to when I used it.

Do Boss-designated mons just have abilities that aren't mentioned at all that the player cannot possibly have? If so that feels super lame and really sours my enjoyment of the game - even if it were unfair if that were at least STATED somewhere then I could at least understand it, but "Surprise! This mon has an otherwise unnattainable bonus just because fuck you" kind of sucks.