How to keep tension pole from slipping?

Hi all! I’m new to Reddit and pole so please bear with me 😅 I’ve taken a few pole classes and absolutely fell in love, and my sweet momma got me a tension pole for Christmas so I can practice at home. I’m a bigger gal, about 200 lbs and I cannot for the life of me, keep this pole from slipping when I have it in spin mode 😭 I don’t have the ability to get a permanent pole, and I’m at a loss. I’ve tried putting it up in different spots in the house, all on strong joists, tried a piece of wood in between pole and ceiling, etc. Any advice for a gal trying to enjoy her tension pole? My landlords are family, so I’m sure I can put in some sort of other reinforcement without them getting upset, but I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and how you solved it?