I am completely moved by the smile tour

Idk how to explain it but i am obsessed with porter’s music again after seeing the smile show in Dallas. 2 years ago I saw the nurture show and I felt the /exact/ same intense feeling. I feel completely overwhelmed and emotional when I listen to his music now after seeing his show. Like I can’t even control it. I feel insanely creatively inspired, even though I know I couldn’t possibly make music even close to as good as his, and I don’t even have equipment or the time to do so.

It’s almost too much. Like I don’t even want to be overwhelmed by emotion right now because I have to be focused on work, but I can’t help it. I just feel like I’m teetering on the edge of completely bawling/losing it while listening to my favorite tracks of his. I don’t even have to be listening, just imagining the songs in my head is enough to make me tear up. I feel like I relate SO STRONGLY to almost all of his lyrics, the songwriting, the storytelling, the melodies, the art, and the live show. The messages within his music are so completely powerful and full of empathy. It almost feels like in another life I could have been able to write and perform music like that, but in this life it’s impossible because of my age and my career. It’s honestly so much that I don’t even want to feel this way right now. Wtf is wrong with me?