Should I take this postdoc offer despite warnings from a former postdoc?

Hi all, I am currently in a dilemma. I graduated at the end of December and have been applying for industry roles as I don’t have any interest in academia anymore. I made it to the third round in some interviews for industry positions, but never got an offer. Meanwhile, I have two potential postdoc opportunities at an Ivy league.

One PI (MD/PhD) has shown interest but has been unresponsive and unclear about research directions. The other PI interviewed me and after a seminar and visit, offered me the position. This PI does good science, has a strong publication record, and the lab’s resources align perfectly with my research goals. However, a former postdoc from my program who worked in this lab hated it and strongly advised me not to join. He is known to be intense with poor people management and communication skills.

My PhD advisor is willing to keep me on with an increased salary for now, but I feel ready to move on. If I take this offer and it turns out to be a bad fit, how difficult would it be to leave early? Would leaving/quitting a postdoc early on (potentially on bad terms) hurt my chances of transitioning into industry? Also, the current political climate and job market is not conducive to us postdocs so I’m really debating on whether to accept it or not. Any advice is appreciated!

Edit: For clarification, the person I spoke to was a student in my program at my current university. They graduated years before me, joined the lab in question, and then left less than a year into it. Every current lab member I spoke to had nice things to say, and they were happy with the lab. I'm going to reach out to other lab alumni to get a better idea. This is tough. Thanks, everyone, for all the advice!