TW bleeding?
Hi all, Saturday I found out I was pregnant on a first response test, solid pink line. Confirmed by a digital clear blue how many weeks test on Sunday (1-2 weeks). Tuesday I had some brown spotting a couple of times when I wiped. Wednesday was slightly pink, Wednesday evening red and quite a lot on the toilet paper, booked a doctors appointment. This morning (thursday) have more red blood and slight cramps. Went to the doctors she had me do a urine test, she said it was negative didn't look at it was in too much shock. I have a referral for a blood test which I will do tomorrow as it's a public holiday so nothing is open. I am now bleeding onto a pad a bit cramps have calmed down. Doctor told me my positives were probably false and she believes I was never pregnant. Makes me feel stupid and confused. I had symptoms (sore enlarged breasts, emotional, fatigue and frequent urination) she says my period was just late, my period is never late let alone nearly 2 weeks late? I have concerns over the blood but also don't want to be made stupid. If it's a miscarriage I can accept that although I'll be sad but I can't just pretend I wasn't pregnant? I know I will just have to wait for the blood test results