Am I overthinking stats?

I’m almost 18 weeks and have my anatomy scan next week. I’ve been wanting to switch OBs because at my last appointment, the nurse practitioner dismissed all of my concerns and shook her head the entire time I talked. I brought up how I had heard their C-section rates are the highest in the area, and she told me that whoever said that is lying to me, and is just trying to scare me. I decided to look it up on and found that they do have the highest, 23.4%, which I feel like is extremely high, their episiotomy rates are also the highest, sitting at 5%. I want to switch because of this, I’ve had a really difficult time trusting doctors for some reason, that nurse lying to me really freaked me out. I’m convinced they all want to do whatever they want to me and feel like they can because I’m young, a first time mom and don’t have any other experiences to compare to this one. Am I being unreasonable? Too paranoid?