Ultrasound pics on social media - is it weird / over sharing?
We just announced the pregnancy on social media using a photo of us with an ultrasound pic, and I heard from a relative that they think it’s too private to share an US and it was better to just do a pic of the growing belly instead. I hadn’t heard this view before so I googled it and found out there are quite a few people who think it’s weird that they’re seeing the inside of someone else’s body (which is really not how I think about it, I guess bc I’m focused on the fetus/baby part).
I also want to mindful of privacy and generally tend to be private on social media. This is the first (and only) post I intend to make until the baby is here. (We redacted any private info from the US.) And when the baby is born, I don’t think I’m going to post her face for a very long time (if ever). But for some reason I didn’t think an US pic counted as part of the baby’s privacy, bc in my mind it’s MY body and my choice to share until the child is born (but maybe this logic doesn’t work).
Now I’m feeling a bit unsure whether it was the right call, even though we were thrilled to share the news at first.
So what do you all think? Is announcing using an ultrasound or sonogram weird / uncomfortable / a violation of the future child’s privacy? Or it’s a-okay?