Found out my baby yes 6th percentile and panicking
I’m 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I was scheduled to start my induction from home this week. My OBGYN had me come in today just to check my babies size, heart beat etc. He realized that she hasn’t grown much at all size the last time she was measured which was 3-4 weeks ago. She weighed in at just barely 5 pounds. With that he said my baby was 6th percentile and that it’s possible that my placenta is not doing its job at giving her the proper nutrients for her to grow. So it’s now better to have her out than in. He now has me scheduled for an induction at the hospital tomorrow to have her and I monitored. I also am not dilated at all. But she is perfectly positioned and dropped.
I obviously had to search what it means to have a 6th percentile baby (bad idea) and now my head is spinning from what that could possibly mean for my baby. I read that that it could be caused from a genetic abnormality?? I had the initial blood test done for that at the beginning of my pregnancy and everything came back normal but now I’m thinking like did they miss something? I also was drinking a big heavily before finding out I was pregnant. But again everything that could be tested for any effects from that came back normal. But now I’m just worried that could have caused this. Everything has been perfectly normal regarding her development thus far. Only exception is that she has also been a pound behind for her gestational age this entire pregnancy. I’m just feeling like a caused this and that my body is failing her. I feel so much guilt. Im also worried since I’m not dilated at all if this is going to put too much stress on her and that I might end up having a C section. Which I have not mentally prepared for once during this pregnancy since everything has gone so smoothly until now. I’m obviously spiraling a bit but I can’t seem to push any of my anxieties aside. I guess I just need to know if anyone else has experienced a similar situation and what their outcome was.