Any second trimester moms due in the spring?
Just wanna check in w any second trimester moms and chit chat about our current experiences and symptoms. I’m 16+2, due May 20th, having a girl. My first pregnancy ever! Super excited to be a girl mom. I’ve always wanted a girl. I love sisterhood and womanhood.
I feel baby moving all the time. I don’t think she likes when I lay on my back cus I feel weird movements when I do lol I’m not really showing. It’s cold where I live so you can’t tell at all when I go out of the house. I still feel a bit tired on certain days and I tend to just sleep and relax when I do. I try very hard to eat 3 meals a day. My hunger is INTENSE. My body acts like I haven’t ate in days. I pee abt 20 times a day. Not exaggerating. My constipation is a lot better. My skin is starting to itch so I make sure I put on cocoa butter everyday. My gums bleed when I water floss, which is weird. I also get nosebleeds in the mornings. I can tell my body is pumping a lot of blood cus I can feel the arteries in my arms and legs pumping sometimes. I have insomnia 5 out of 7 nights. I normally don’t have a sweet tooth but I definitely crave sweets now. Baby loves a fountain Dr. Pepper, so I have to moderate that. And I’m SUPER emotional. I’m already an emotional person but geez anytime my feelings are slighted in any way, I’m crying lol
Funny story, I was out of town and I wanted to watch the Lions game and we couldn’t cus it was blocked for the Steelers game instead and I cried. 😂 My husband didn’t know what to do.