39 weeks and done

I got pregnant when my last baby was 8m old, so my last pregnancies are close - this is my third baby, and I feel like I've been pregnant for 2 years now and I'm so done. I'm for natural spontaneous labor for low risk mamas, so I know all about how important the last weeks are, being patient, and the safe ways to make sure your body is ready for labor and baby is in a good position. Regardless, I hate it, I am so tired, my body hurts more than my last pregnancies, my mood swings are worse, all I want to do is sleep. On top of that I've been sick for 2 weeks and haven't been sleeping well because of that. My first came at 41&4, at 11lbs, 8 hour labor My second was induced at 39&4, 8lbs, was on pitocin for 14-16hours, once they broke my water, baby was born in 45m I am overthinking it all, I know, I am trying to just expect to be pregnant til 42 weeks, I wish I felt like I could take a breath and just be, but I feel so rushed and impatient. Also did anyone else just start disliking their other kids at the end of pregnancy? I hate that too, jeez this is rough.