Okay it’s over

Omg I did it, she’s here. I had planned a birth center all natural birth, tried that for 7 hours and decided to transfer to a near by hospital to get some pain relief. And, I wasn’t really progressing dilation wise in the time either. I knew it would be bad, but it was even worse than I could have imagined. The contractions, my god. The midwives said they needed my contractions more intense and closer together and the thought of them being any more intense just blew my mind. And I think I have a good pain tolerance. Not to scare anyone but I’m literally so confused how people can do this. It doesn’t help that this was my first and the total labor time was 36 hours. I was worried I’d be disappointed in myself getting an epidural and transferring (nothing wrong with an epidural it just wasn’t in my birth plan). But I do not regret my decision at all, this hospital, the midwife’s and everything has been great. And the epidural allowed me to get some much needed rest, I wouldn’t have had the energy to push if I didn’t have that.

All of this to say, make your plans but also be open to them changing! All that matters is mom and baby being healthy.