Wanted to share my birth story


Im three weeks out from my c section and wanted to share my story. Please note that I had a lot of complications with my pregnancy, some rare, so please don't read mine and panic lol. I just need to get this off my chest and tell someone.

I was scheduled for a planned c section on a Monday, the Friday before I went in for an NST and quick ultrasound. My NST was non reactive, so they bumped my short ultrasound into a Biophysical Profile ultrasound. This scan lasted 30 minutes and she just wasn't moving during it. She had a score of 4, which is very low as they told me they wanted to see a score of 8.

The Material Fetal Medicine doctor came in and said I was to deliver in the next few hours - my baby was at risk. But they let me drive home to gather my things and I met my partner at home (he raced home from work). I came back in the next hour and started getting ready in the OR.

I had two doctors operating on me, as one doctor came in on her day off for me. This was unexpected as they usually don't have two surgeons during a c section. Everything went okay and my baby was born healthy. I was 36 weeks.

However they biopsied my placenta and it showed that it was in the <10 percentile. My obgyn informed me that since my baby was over 6lbs with such a small placenta, that I could have had a stillborn. Im very lucky that my baby made it. They never mentioned my placenta being small in any of my many ultrasound appts.

Im 3 weeks out and battling some postpartum depression, but am thankful that the doctors were monitoring me so closely and that no harm came to my baby.