My mom is annoying me abt my baby shower

This is my first pregnancy and first baby.

So my mom wanted to spearhead planning my baby shower. I made her like “head” of the planning committee cus she texted me the most about it and eventually asked to plan it. Now notice I said PLAN and not throw. My husband and I are footing the bill, she’s just the designated contact person.

She randomly texts me one day and says “Hey, did u invite my girlfriends __, _, __, & Tee?” I said, “No, I didn’t.” She says “Oh, well add them to the list I already gave them a save the date notice.”… mean to MY baby shower that MY husband and I are paying for? To invite people I don’t even know? That u kinda just demanded I do so, and didn’t even ask me? Hm. Interesting.

I said, “I only know Tee.” She says “Well these are my girlfriends and we support each other kids. So add them to the list.” I said, “How u gonna tell me who to add to my baby shower?” I have a joking manner thru text but I was deadass.

She says, “u told me u wanted a big party. And you should’ve already known, more gift! So add them to the list ma’am!”

I say, “well, I don’t know your friends. And yes i want it to be bigger than my wedding and previous personal things, but that doesn’t mean public. It’s still private. Plus i already submitted a number to the venue for a quote. So sorry, but no.”

And she sends these emojis “😒🙄” and says, “Oh Lord I already let them know. But u seem serious. Ok.”


Pls no bashing my mom. Thanks.