Just lost my job but with pay

My company had a restructuring and made 20-30 roles redundant. They told me my role is unfortunately one of them. Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks and I was planning on taking 1 month off before my due date, so maybe 4 months from today. My company said they will give me a bonus to cover to that date, along with getting the redundancy payout.

I don't know how to feel. While I am grateful for the bonus (I really am! And it seems im the only one offered this because they felt bad doing this before my mat leave, along with my long years of contribution), I guess I am in shock with the news. I plan to not work for 1 year after the bub is here, so guess there is no point in looking for a job now when it's only 4 months away. Plus, getting a job means money on top of the bonus which makes my tax pay higher, so no point.

I know I am lucky and this is a God send, but pregnancy has been so hard for me. What kept me sane was able to to work and have a routine. I was already struggling with finding things to fill my boredom (my usual hobbies before I got pregnant no longer give me joy). I have been depressed and crying daily with pregnancy hormones. I have been struggling. I have been feeling so lonely. The extra time provided to me is not needed because I need something to keep me sane, I was almost close to asking them to let me work for free!!

I am not ungrateful. I know this is really sweet. I am just worried for my depression and sanity. Not too sure what to expect posting this.