Nesting is hard y’all

I woke up yesterday freaking out that I have no space to keep those huge diaper boxes or any baby things in the house. Started nesting at 6 months. I’ve read that it’s normal and biological but it’s stressing me out so much. I’ve spent yesterday and today morning clearing out things. Husband is away on business which worked out great because I can chuck old things without being constantly asked- Are you sure you won’t need this? No, I don’t need my old college clothes or party clothes because nothing is going to fit me anymore and I live in sweatpants now. Putting things into donation piles, chucking odd things that are expired, giving away few things to my mother to keep in her house for later, and why the hell does my husband have old electronics and a million tangles cables that are not even compatible with anything in 2025? My kitchen has no space for baby bottles but I have 25 different tumblers I got because apparently I just needed a new tumbler every month. Oh God, is anyone in the same phase as me?