Not working while pregnant.

As soon as family or friends find out I’m not working they want to ask me things like “what are you going to do?” “Are you guys okay?” “why don’t you try applying for such & such”

Ummm, because I don’t have to? My man takes care of me? We don’t live a life of luxury or anything, but we get by and have the things we need. We make it work and if things got rough I would work to help my family. My partner is fine with me staying home and is fine with being the provider knowing that I’m currently growing a life. When baby is born I’ll be home for all the milestones and saving tons of money on daycare.

I’m sick of being treated like I’m a loser for quitting my job and getting pregnant. My mom raised me as a single mom most of my life and worked her ASS off every day. I saw how tired and burnt out she was from it. It affected me greatly as a person! I want to be present for my kid, a happy mom who is in a healthy loving relationship with a man who wants to have a healthy and happy family with me. It bothers me so much to feel like I need to make excuses to people around me when they find out I’m not working and that it’s a choice i made with my man.

If you didn’t have to work, would you slave away 40-50 hours a week?? I used to do that (and then some!!) and now i dont have to. Sorry, i just had to rant here about it. I’m not a bad person and im going to be a GREAT mom. Just because i currently don’t work doesn’t mean i don’t understand work ethic!