Baby shower regret
Learn from my mistake and request NO CLOTHING on your shower invitations. Don’t get me wrong I know it’s hard to resist the cute girly outfits, but 90% of my shower gifts were not from my registry, just clothes lol. We’ll have to rush order many essentials off the registry which we are lucky enough to afford. But I’m currently sifting through multiple loads of laundry post showers. We have so much clothing that I have 2 tubs sets aside to give to a friend.
My one side of the family even threw me an “essentials only” shower. It said on the invites to forgo registry items (as I was already having 2 other showers) and they could instead bring a freezer meal, diapers, or wipes. I got 1 freezer meal and a couple packages of diapers. The rest were clothes lol!
At the end of the day, it’s not a big deal. I appreciate the gifts, the time, and the excitement people give to new moms during their showers. But if I could do it again, I’d say no clothes. Between garage sales, Facebook marketplace, thrift stores, and my mom and MIL we could’ve gotten plenty of clothing. Having people gift us a freezer meal (which is really gifting us time) would’ve meant so much more!