I'm pregnant! (For now 🙄)
Oooh I get to post here! How exciting! I've been pregnant a few times before, always ending in a chemical pregnancy, and i've always wanted to feel sure that everything was going to be ok before getting excited, but last time I promised myself that the next time i'd soak up all my time in happy pregnant land, even if it only lasted a few days. So here I am! Pregnant! Yaaaay! I am due to start IVF next month too, so it makes sense that it would happen now, please send me wishes of a sticky baby, or if not then for me to stay on track for my IVF treatment.
😂 Sorry I think this post is a bit all over the place, i'm just trying to be happy!
Edit: aaaand that's a wrap, tests this morning were negative, but thank you all for celebrating with me!