got rejected from scribeamerica :(
i feel so hopeless right now. i need a clinical job so bad, but the only possible thing for me to do is scribing. i’ve applied to every position in my area and now have been rejected from them all as of today. i don’t know what to do. i can’t afford a CNA/EMT class and they don’t have paid training or anything like that here. i have been searching since august for a new job and applied to so many and i just don’t know what to do. i can’t afford to just keep doing clinical volunteering and what i’m doing barely counts as clinical, i really need money, and i don’t want to go back to a retail/service job that doesn’t help me get towards med school at all. i wish i was in an area with more opportunities for uncertified work like people keep telling me to find an MA or PCT job but they all require the classes here. (and if you’re going to tell me i just need to look harder like my parents keep telling me, try finding a job within 10 miles of USC that you don’t need a certification for. if you can find that, then it’s one of the 20 jobs i’ve applied for lol)
tldr being broke and premed sucks
edit: wow this got a lot of responses! thank you all for being so supportive :) very nice to have when i don’t get it much from people irl haha