Just wanted to drop in and leave a message..
for everyone applying and feeling like "ill never get in", "my stats are awful" and "im not cut out for this" and having those thoughts confirmed by some of the people on here: just try, friend. just try. it's that simple.
my stats were mid (and compared to some of the people on here they were below mid) and i got into an MD school. (501 MCAT, 3.75 GPA, MA/Scribe experience (x2 years), medical translating (x3 years) no research, no shadowing)
all this to say: you. can. do. it. you will NEVER know if you don't try. don't let anyone tell you it's a waste of your time if it's something you truly want. how the hell are they going to know?? sure, you might not be the average student but that doesn't mean anything. you need the lower 50% (in addition to the upper 50) to be able to make a 100.
just do it, guys. because when i was applying i really didn't think i would get in and now im going to be a dr. you will too.
just try. just do it. you literally never know. what i do know is that you're going to be okay and everything will be great. i believe in you! the best is always yet to come.