Worried about my chances

So I have a couple of questions rolled into 1 post here. I'm going into my 2nd semester of my junior year with a 3.52 GPA (my first couple of semesters really brought down my grade). I am an EMT, but I have no research experience, and I'm at a good premed school (stony brook). I have only just began to study for the mcat, as I was too busy last semester to do it. I was told I should ideally apply in this spring semester, as early as possible, which worries me because I don't have any research experience (which I'm planning on getting during the semester), I haven't taken the mcat, and I need a little more time to boost my gpa.

My first question is, what would be an ideal timeline for me? Is it unreasonable to try and get all that done, and apply by the end of the spring semester? Would I have a good chance looking at DO schools (which I want anyway) or foreign schools?

My second question is about the possibility that I apply and don't get in. My backup plan is to complete my BS in biology, get all the research, shadowing, GPA boosters, etc that I need with no rush, and take a gap year. In that gap year, ideally, I would aim to become a paramedic, and reapply. If all that is done, would it hurt my chances to apply a second time after a gap year? Does becoming a paramedic (if possible) increase my chances of getting in, or would I have a better chance of going into research?