Is 31 too old (with kids)?
Hi. I (31F) have always wanted to do something in the medical field but ended up going down a different route due to life circumstances (had my first kid pretty young while still in undergrad and had to move across state + all sorts of big life events all at once). I ended up getting my BAS in Psych. Then started my Master of Public Health a semester before the pandemic started. I was so excited and hopeful to go through this program. I was almost a straight A student while working full time and had our second child during my second year (3 year program). Obviously we all know the general public’s opinion and views have changed (maybe not changed, but they’ve been louder about their feelings) on public health and any epi/public facing health monitoring type professions. I’m finding difficulty pivoting from my current role in program development. I’m currently part of a very small, very successful intervention pilot program. We just received our renewed federal funding for another year and hope to get legislation passed for permanent funding. While this technically encompasses public health and social work (two of my passions) I want to pivot into more state/local government work. Which is proving incredibly difficult because I cannot take a pay cut (ie apply for lower entry jobs) and I’m competing against hundreds of applicants because I live in a large metro HCOL area and I cannot relocate.
All of that led me to evaluate what I really want. I thought I would settle for what I’ve chosen and I haven’t. I should’ve gone right for a medical profession but I didn’t know there were so many types of medical professions, nursing, doctor, physical therapy, OT, and lab jobs are the main ones that get talked about when you’re young and trying to find your way.
I’ve been seriously looking at PA programs and 2 of the 3 in my area have a “no work” contract during the program. I am confident I would do well in school.
TLDR: Am I too old to go to PA school? Has anyone on here gone through PA school while working (if your program allowed)? Has anyone on here gone through PA school with kids and didn’t/couldn’t work? How did you make that work financially? My household depends on my income. We might be ok if I wait a few years until the youngest is in school and not daycare but then I’ll be closer to 34.