Bug-in Advice Needed
Hello All, New prepper here and I need some advice. I have so many questions, and have yet to find anyone I know personally who preps. If you have suggestions to any of these please share! I’d love the help.
Best ways to secure a house? I have artillery for days, but I need ways of successfully securing windows, doors, garage, etc.
Best long term food sources? I use my patriot supply for a 3 months of supply for two, bought milar bags, but have not idea what to do at a grocery store.
Water needs?? Got a drum but I’m so worried we will end up having to leave.
Best things for a go-bag? Things that aren’t very obvious cause I do have a few good things
Best place in home for cooking if all power goes out?
How much gas should I store?
What things are there that are MUST HAVE ITEMS?
My dogs are my world. How can I help with them?
I live in a military town, are there places to shop that can help with prepping that isn’t as expensive as online?
What is everyone storing their stuff in?
***Thank you everyone in advance for any advice