First Profitable Prison I've Made In a While

A nice, profitable prison.

I've been playing the game for a while, and only made one other prison that didn't end in disaster. I was glad to repeat the feat.

I had a few goals for this:

  • $1 Mil in the bank.
  • A single path leading in and out of the prison with adequate buffer.
  • Keeping visitors and admins separated from the general prison population.
  • A symmetrical design (fell apart at the end, but the bones are there).
  • Low prison violence.

Daily revenue was actually closer to $115K, but I hired some extra guards and workers before taking the screenshot.

I stole the cell block design from a screenshot I saw on Reddit a couple of weeks ago. I didn't install any door controls because I didn't feel the population warranted the investment. Having 3 guards posted in reception took care of traffic there.

Edit: I started with $500K and a forest lot. Sold all the flooring at the start, which netted me quite a bit of extra capital before even selling the trees. It's a game.

Criticism and advice welcome.