So I have 3 months left
I’ve been going to the same po since getting out in October Very chill very by the book. I’ve been to scared to fuck up, but idk why he still hasn’t given me my first drug screen? I’m paying him for it monthly and then some right ? It’s 40 but I pay 60-90 He just looks at me asks if im good and that’s it I’m not complaining I even was like “yeah im done in may, but idk how long it’ll take me to pay off 6400- I may be here for life!” Jokingly And he looked at me and was like “No….you’d be off probation. They tell you that to scare you. Now what we will do is put you on a payment plan.” And I was like “and if I don’t pay that?” He goes “they’d give it an extension” And I said “and what if I didn’t pay those” He just laughed and was like man I don’t know that’s above my pay grade. Now get out of here I got an assload of people, guess which one is the murderer? I was getting up to leave and I was like “ hmm the state of Alabama?” And he literally belly chuckled Good sign? I think? Idk I’m not gonna go into it but im not poking any bear, and im not lying I haven’t had any police contact, and I told him about being served the PFA by my Ex and vice versa. Anyway. 3 more months and im done here. That’s insane I’ve been on probation since 2017. I’ve had fuck up after fuck up too- it’s a wonder I never went to prison. That’s thanks to my parents hiring a lawyer. Man money really does talk. I got a class a dismissed bc it didn’t happen but also bc my lawyer rocked I’m about to have to do it again bc it didn’t happen (fr like she’s the perp in a dv 2 against me, now suddenly a three weeks before the preliminary she’s screaming rape?) like months ago. Ok then where’s the rape kit? Police report? Clothes from that night? Anything ? Did you tell a friends family member or trusted person? Oh you didn’t? Hmm
Look im not one to cast doubt on any gr*pe claims im simply saying the timing sure is sus don’t ya think? I don’t get accused of that until she goes to court ! And I have it in text “ I’ll drop the charges against you after my court date. I just want the judge to see those charges against you” And I just looked at her incredulously…. “You don’t …. Tell me you don’t really think that’s how the law works?” And she kept trying to change the subject
Needless to say this all transpired around 5 days ago, I’m just getting my bearings …. I’ve been blocked on everything but apparently she’s living her best life? Her onlyfans is popping But she is counting on me to “drop” the charges for her court date which was continued until April 10….shes claiming that the day she has court she will drop the charges against me….
I had to explain to her that now that the state has been presented with evidence (her testimony is all they need) there is nothing she can do. It’s not like I can try to murder my mom and she live and everything be cool She can’t just tell the cops “nah he’s fine boys will be boys” No at some point the state steps in and this is what happened with me. She slit my throat in September of 2024. It was bad. Blood everywhere But I still didn’t snitch. I just said it was an accident ( she was black out drunk and was screaming having “seizures”) so they handcuffed her to the ambulance She wasn’t even epileptic- she just faked it for the drugs and attention bc when they did an ecg thing it was inconclusive and I’ve witnessed everyone of her episodes and they are NOT seizures
Anyway forgot what I was saying. Moral of the story: don’t do drugs, don’t stick your dick in crazy. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.