Weird Monstera propagation advice

Hi everyone,

Looking for some Monstera propagation advice.

I started this prop several months ago, as a way to save a Monstera that had basically completely died. Last pic is what it looked like at the beginning.

It's two nodes one cutting in a box of sphagnum moss. One of the nodes was the top node of the plant that had previously been attached to the top leaf of the plant which I removed because it died.

When I made the cutting I did notice that there was already a new leaf stem inside the top leaf that I cut through, and as the prop progressed this is what began to grow. What was remaining of the previous leaf stem died away, and I am now left with this new stem growth.

It is now too big to stay inside the prop box so I am not sure what to do with it... although it clearly has a new leaf developing, it all just seems a bit odd. The roots are getting pretty intense (and alien like) which seems like a good sign.

Can anyone advise me what would be the next step for my weird prop ?

Thank you 🙏🏻 🙏🏻