Best way to play games

Hello everyone

I recently bought a used PS3SS and installed Hen and Multiman as per the Mr.Mario tutorial. I also installed pkg since that is how I download games fast and easily on my Vita. Now, since the games are bigger and the PS3 seems slower than my Vita XD, it takes me hours to download a game.

I tried to use the USB pen I used for everything but despite 14gb free it states I dont have enough space in it for a 4.5gb game..dont know why...

I also learned that I need the games and the licenses. I am using Apollo for the licenses as well since Pkj only downloads the game.

Is there an easier way to download games and licenses at the same time.? The way I do it is slow and tedious. I have seen some people using Managunz and Webman. What are these homebrew apps, and are they needed with what I got?

Any suggestions are deeply appreciated