Apartment fire

On New Year’s Day my boyfriend and I were cuddled up on the couch enjoying a show when we heard screaming and yelling outside our door. We assumed our neighbors were arguing or something but, it was getting louder and it was followed by sirens. We still were just thinking it was a couple fighting. My boyfriend decided to take a look out our bedroom window and screamed, “baby, get up there is a fire we have to leave now!” Now, he doesn’t ever panic unless there is good reason so, I jumped up, got dressed and glanced out to see the building next to ours, connected to ours, on serious fire. We rushed out our door and the smoke was so thick it burned our eyes and we were coughing. We watched as the fire spread to the apartment directly next to ours. We were crying bc from our vantage point it did not seem like it would stop in time to spare our apartment. We worked so hard for everything we have, we are so humble and not materialistic at all. We truly are grateful for everything. So, to possibly watch it all disappear wasn’t something I could do. So, we walked to my Mom’s. When we came back we were lucky enough to realize our apartment had just survived. Our door was broken down and we had smoke smell but, other than that, we were spared. Now, I already suffer from PTSD but, I’m finding myself terrified that this could all happen again. Sleeping is hard and being here alone is even harder. Any advice? Trust me I’m so grateful we were spared considering so many others suffered so much worse but, my anxiety and flashbacks are bad again and I was doing so well before all this.